August 2007

The most suitable person to control Fateh these days

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Mahmoud Abbas 262 29.6 33.4 33.4
Abu Ala'a 6 .7 .8 34.2
Marwan Barghouti 333 37.6 42.5 76.7
Mohammad Dahlan 22 2.5 2.8 79.5
Azzam Ahmad 3 .3 .4 79.8
Nasser Al Qudweh 28 3.2 3.6 83.4
Other 38 4.3 4.8 88.3
No one is capable 92 10.4 11.7 100.0
Total 784 88.6 100.0
Missing 99 101 11.4

Total 885 100.0