September 2007

Most trusted Palestinian personality.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Mahmoud Abbas 234 24.0 27.6 27.6
Ismael Hanieh 88 9.0 10.4 38.0
Marwan Barghouti 108 11.1 12.8 50.8
Khaled Mashaal 31 3.2 3.7 54.4
Mohammad Dahlan 28 2.9 3.3 57.7
Mahmoud Zahhar 4 .4 .5 58.2
Salam Fayyad 65 6.7 7.7 65.9
Mustafa Barghouti 83 8.5 9.8 75.7
I trust no one of the above 188 19.3 22.2 97.9
Others 18 1.8 2.1 100.0
Total 847 86.9 100.0
Missing 99 128 13.1

Total 975 100.0