Will a Hamas led government be able to compensate for lost EU/USA assistance from countries like Iran * Refugee status Crosstabulation
% within Refugee status

Refugee status Total
Refugee Non-refugee
Will a Hamas led government be able to compensate for lost EU/USA assistance from countries like Iran Yes 68.8% 69.0% 68.9%
No 31.2% 31.0% 31.1%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square .003(b) 1 .954

Continuity Correction(a) .000 1 1.000

Likelihood Ratio .003 1 .954

Fisher's Exact Test

1.000 .512
Linear-by-Linear Association .003 1 .954

N of Valid Cases 605

a Computed only for a 2x2 table
b 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 91.67.