System of government you would like Palestine to be modeled after.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid The European countries 152 19.2 22.4 22.4
The Arab countries 173 21.8 25.4 47.8
The US 22 2.8 3.2 51.0
The Islamic non-Arab countries 216 27.2 31.8 82.8
The Communist countries 17 2.1 2.5 85.3
Japan 2 .3 .3 85.6
An Asian country 15 1.9 2.2 87.8
A Latin American country 2 .3 .3 88.1
Islamic Caliphate 63 7.9 9.3 97.4
Other Countries 18 2.3 2.6 100.0
Total 680 85.8 100.0
Missing 99 113 14.2

Total 793 100.0