February 2008

Do you support the release of the Israeli soldier Gilead Shalit kidnapped in Gaza unconditionally? * Poverty level Crosstabulation
% within Poverty level

Poverty level Total
Extremely poor Below the poverty level Above the poverty level
Do you support the release of the Israeli soldier Gilead Shalit kidnapped in Gaza unconditionally? Yes, I support 6.5% 4.6% 6.6% 5.9%
No, only with conditions 78.3% 81.2% 79.7% 79.8%
No, I oppose the release of the soldier 15.2% 14.2% 13.7% 14.3%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 1.609(a) 4 .807
Likelihood Ratio 1.666 4 .797
Linear-by-Linear Association .253 1 .615
N of Valid Cases 891

a 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 13.68.