July 2008

Do you think the existence of corruption in government institutions? * Gender Crosstabulation
% within Gender

Gender Total
Male Female
Do you think the existence of corruption in government institutions? To a large extent 49.3% 43.2% 46.2%
To some extent 36.4% 41.4% 38.9%
Rarely 2.1%
Does not exist 12.2% 15.4% 13.8%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 9.134(a) 3 .028
Likelihood Ratio 11.455 3 .010
Linear-by-Linear Association 1.562 1 .211
N of Valid Cases 571

a 2 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2.99.